June 4, 2007

Question of the Week

If an underage male has sex with an overage female, and she has a baby, can the minor male be ordered to pay child support?


also: If the minor can be forced to pay child support, will the responsibility ultimately fall on the parent(s)?


Another Asian Law Student said...

what did you do now

Spicy Law Girl said...


JC said...

I'm not allowed to comment on an ongoing case... :-P jk

Anonymous said...

Yes but i imagine it would depend on the judge. Whether the incident is flat out odd does not change the fact that there is paternity established and creates responsibility for the child. Also if he wants visitation...that is a whole other animal.

The responsibility does not fall on the parents as you would probably sue in civil court for it. Further many minors with children are emancipated thus eliminating a parent's obligation to the child, so assuming you could get support out of the parents of the minor than you could only get arrears prior to emancipation.

Wow.....i need to spend less time at the office....

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